wall street is looking like a revolution, page-20

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    i know a couple that have four offspring
    imo, it seemed like an unwize decision
    they were/are not financially secure with years and years of debt ahead.
    now the first of four kids is leaving school, after choosing subjects where he didn't have to "lift a finger".
    no chance of going to university, doing a few hours a week in a fish and chip shop, spending the money on booze and partying.
    the others are faring not much better.

    govt policy provides incentives for the poor people to breed.
    especially encouraging young girls to get pregnant.
    imo, there should be no financial assistance, especially for the breeders.
    (not that i'm an advocate of finance)

    we breed because we think that the children will care for us when we get old and sick
    but often enough, that is not the reality.

    the more we breed the more insecure we generally become,
    because, necessarily, the greater the population the greater the competition.

    i agree with the message of nwo georgia guidestones
    from one perspective (thje cosmic level?) i agree with with them, and the current mehods of implementation, which are downright evil.
    we have being harming and killing sheep and cattle and many other beings for a very long time, isn't it kind of fair that the same has, is and will be happeing to us?
    there is good reason to do unto others as...
    from memory, i can recall an old movie called The Time Machine, where, in the future, the people lived a peacefull life untill the siren sounded and they walked towards and into the morlocks cave, where they were slaughtered and eaten.

    starving people in africa are having kids that will die shortly after.
    is that our role model?

    it is not uncommon for these wantonous youth to despise other's (imo, to varying degrees, necessarily ill gained) wealth, and disrespect authority.

    at a gross level, probably not a good thing.
    but i can see how it can be, ultimately.

    it is a manifestation of the principle of the Ouroboros

    the entire system, as it was, is, and is to become, is a necessarily problematic and painful gimmick.

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