wally lewis was great....but..., page-11

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    That really proves nothing to me Trevor.

    Once again, I believe Lewis received M of the M awards when there were more deserving candidates.....all because he was so heavily focussed on.....just like Andrew Johns. As I said in an earlier post......With Andrew Johns it became farcical. If he was in any way involved in a try, he would get all the accolades, even if the eventual tryscorer sidestepped three, steamrolled four and somersaulted over five players......lol. Seriously, it was a joke to listen to the pathetic way in which that Rabbit Warren turkey, Goose Gould and Christchurch Johns completely overexaggerated the achievements of Andrew Johns. Rabbit exhibited more ecstacy than Andrew would have been able to swallow in a month.

    I remember going along to watch Wally Lewis for the first time and cheer for Qld in a State of Origin. Being a loyal Queenslander, I was stoked that we won the game, and Lewis played very well, but I remember being amazed at how the press described his performance in the Courier Mail the following day. I seriously thought there were a couple of Qlders who played better than Lewis, and they hardly received a mention.

    Anyway, that's how I saw it.....and as I say.....the case of Andrew Johns was much, much worse because he had the Channel 9 boy's club doing somersaults over him. Before I go, I was just thinking about one instance where he put through a grubber kick from about 20 metres which hit the upright and bounced back, resulting in a try. Rabbit would've had us believe that "Andrew" (as he so lovingly called him) never missed the upright if he aimed for it!!..just silly hyped rubbish.

    One of my uncles used to rave about some league player called Les Johns who could land the ball in a bucket from 40m....or something equally as ridiculous......lol. Stories such as that seem to abound in league. In a game of very limited skill, it gives everyone something to dream about I guess.

    I played only league and union, but the skills in Aussie Rules or soccer would make them both look very ordinary. In many ways that's not a bad thing because it allows the sport to be played quite adeptly by almost anyone. League was a great sport in many country areas (it's died out a lot now in regional areas)where it was still a good spectacle because of the limited skill set.

    Try watching aussie rules or soccer played by rank amateurs, and it's a complete schamozzle.....lol.....Very difficult to play without sufficient mastery of some very difficult skills.
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