Snookers behind the 8 ball again It's obvious that you have...

  1. 672 Posts.
    Snookers behind the 8 ball again It's obvious that you have never been to Israel, but I have, many times, and have traveled with Israeli Arabs on the same buses and in fact during the waves of Arab homicide bombings, Israeli Arabs also were blown up, as they were on the same buses.
    Oh, so no one can criticize Israel unless they've been there? Perhaps you should refrain from condemning Palestinians until you've lived in the Gaza strip and experienced the joys of starving under curfew.

    So, how does that relate to South Africa?
    Both countries claimed to be democracies yet denied the vote to millions on racial grounds. Both countries were/are regarded as pariahs by most of the world. And rightly so.

    Again, where is the comparison to South Africa? Did the whites arm the blacks to look after their own?
    Yes, the South Africans set up 10 mini states called Bantustans eg Transkei (1976), Bophuthatswana (1977), Venda (1979), and Ciskei. These were friendly puppet states contrived in an attempt to give the government international credibility. But you would probably not know this cause you've never been to South Africa. I have.

    Israel moved out and the experiment began. The Palestinian police force and the leadership were and are corrupt which is evidenced by the huge some of monies that are unaccounted for and never will be.
    Pretty hard to keep an accounting system when the Israel's bomb your HQ every three weeks and steal the Hard drives on your computer.

    Israel gave the taxes it collects on behalf of the Palis to the PA although this has been suspended and one doesn't have to be an Einstein to work out why.
    How kind of Israel to invade a country, tax it, then return a small portion to the population. Such benevolence.

    Yes, you are right, 3 million of them are living in terrible conditions. Why you may ask? After all the Intifada began 2 years ago, Oslo was in 1993, what happened during those 7 years that they were in self control?
    Israel doubled the settler in the occupied territories during this 7 year period. Its a wonder that the Palestinians tolerated this breach of faith for so long.

    Re your points about Jordan and Egypt being democracies, it would be pointless for me to go on with it. That comment has shown just how little you know about either country.
    Please read more carefully. I said that those countries are closer to the ideals of democracy than Israel. These countries do not have 3 million + people denied the right to vote on racist grounds and therefore are more democratic than Israel.

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