sigh... Angus Campbell does not inspire with his move to take...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    sigh... Angus Campbell does not inspire with his move to take back the award given to the SAS. He has the audacity to wear his medal for the whole mission over Afghanistan while denying the SAS their medal for their mission over Afghanistan. Bit rich Angus- bit a of a grand double standard there.
    But hey, the left loves you for your virtue signaling Angus, so, hmm, time to hold up a mirror to the miserable left in Australia, yet again.

    I mean, the alp keeps pushing forward cowardly men but, that doesn't mean all alp members of the party are spineless cowards, who choose rape over truth. Does it ?
    Yes, Bob Hawke told his daughter to remain quiet after she was raped by a union boss, while Bob Hawke was PM but, that doesn't make Shorten one.

    Ha ha aha

    Anyway, I don't care what China has to say about our special forces troops in Afghanistan- sure seems like the Dan Andrews worshippers are dancing to China's tune here.

    Quickly now geniuses- time for more violent blm protests as there's a federal election coming.
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