War on "Jihad", page-26

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    Accordingto the Weekend Australian,

    “ASIOdirector-General Mike Burgess advised Labor MP Michelle Ananda Rajah thatAustralia’s pro-Palestine rallies served as an important “pressure release”given a “real risk of a terror attack”, a letter from the back bencher to alocal voter has revealed”.

    The MP,Michelle Ananda Rajah, further pointed out that social cohesion was “our mostvaluable national asset” whilst maintaining a completely straight face.

    Given the spirit of Christmas and theseason of giving, I’m going to donate a little of my time to Mike “ASIO”Burgess and write a more complete briefing for him to share with all AustralianMPs in both the Federal and State Parliaments. If you are reading this Mike,feel free to cut and paste without attribution.

    DearAustralian MPs,

    As youare probably aware, the pro-Palestinian rallies which are currently going aheadaround the country are terrifying the Jewish community and alarming traditionalAustralians.

    Britishdescended Aussies still seem to naively believe that migrants will leave behindgrievances from the old country which have been festering for millennia.

    If wedisallowed the rallies, these Palestinian supporters might have more time ontheir hands as well as more bottled-up anger and hatred.

    In myopinion, I think this would be likely to result in terror attacks in Australia.

    Almostall of these people were brought in to this country by you, our politicalclass, often with enthusiasticsupport from the organised Jewish community.

    I thinknow might be a good time to ask yourselves, “what the hell were we thinking.”

    It’snot as if you weren’t warned. The terror attack at the Munich Olympics happenedshortly before you began welcoming in huge numbers of Muslims againstthe advice of your departments.

    But youstill just had to go ahead anyway, didn’t you? Even though you knew the voterswere dead set against it.

    So muchfor democracy heh? Just spit all over those who voted for you as if you knowbetter. Clearly, you didn’t.

    One of,if not the most important function of Government, is to protect your citizensfrom foreign threats.

    Themigrants you choose are given Australian citizenship and passports which areextremely difficult to revoke.

    Citizenshipis then conferred to their descendants and allows full rights of passage in andout of the country (when you aren’t locking us down like prison inmates) andgives political power to each and every newly minted citizen in the form of avote.

    Theyalso give access to our incredibly generous welfare system which is paid for bycurrent taxpayers.

    In viewof these facts, it is hard to think of a more solemn decision than whether toaward citizenship to a foreigner or not.

    Get itwrong, and the citizens who vote for you and pay your generous salaries andsuperannuation are lumbered with the consequences pretty much forever.

    I’vetried to rack my brains to think of the most undesirable migrant it would bepossible to find, but try as I might, I can’t think of anyone who could be lessdesirable that someone who turns out, not only to be a terrorist, but managesto raise children who also want to commit terror attacks on this country.

    I’dlike to be kind to you people, I really would. But I just can’t find it inmyself to believe that any of you could be that fricking stupid.

    Forexample, how low would your IQ have to be to bring in someone from a differentreligion and culture, without bothering to check out the beliefs involved inthat religion and culture?

    Didn’tit occur to you to open up the Koran and have a read?

    Withthe resources of one of the most prosperous nations in the world at yourdisposal, you couldn’t find anyone to look into the background of Islamicculture before handing out passports to these people like smarties?

    Wouldit have made any difference if you had researched the Islamic religion, I askmyself?

    All theinformation has been outthere for a while now. Your departments have been telling you forever whata badidea it is and yet you still you have your heads shoved where the sun doesn’tshine.

    TheIslamic religion tells its followers that they can’t go to heaven until thewhole world is conquered by Islam.

    Untilthen, they remain buried alive, so to speak, until the day of judgement whenthe Muslims will kill the last of the Jews and the trees and rocks will growmouths and call out to the Muslims “Come over here and kill this Jew who ishiding behind me”.

    Doesthat sound like a group of compatible migrants to you? Isn’t it obvious thatthey will be at least somewhat motivated to engage in violent Jihad when thatis the only short cut to the highest level of heaven (the one with all thevirgins and young boys “handsome as pearls”).

    Evenafter all of this, you are now importing Palestinians from Gaza without propervetting. When Denmark let a bunch of Palestinians into their country, almosttwo thirds of them wound up with a criminalrecord for God’s sake.

    Again Iask, what the hell are you thinking?

    Afterall, these people have been insisting for the last 70 odd years that they can’tpossibly live anywhere else except the parts of Israel that they aren’t in now.

    Theycan’t wander over the border into Egypt which they were part of prior to the1967 war and they can’t travel the short distance to Jordan which is also anArab country that is almost indistinguishable in language, religion and culture(and note that both of those countries have refused point blank to take them).

    Yet allof a sudden, they can up and fly halfway around the globe to a nation which hasa different language, customs, religion and laws and accept citizenship here.They have already told us that we should change because our customs andreligion offend them.

    Clearly,the whole thing was a sham to justify the war against Israel and the killingand rape of Jews. Obviously these people have been lying all along to justifygenocidal violence encapsulated in the chant “From the River to the Sea”.

    I thinkit is time for you to come clean to the Australian people and own up to why youhave committed this crime against your nation.

    Whatwas your motivation?

    Wereyou offered incentives like Hawke who got rich after leaving office, quitelikely by workingfor China. Could his lucrative contracts have been a payoff for letting inbulk Chinese nationals?

    Or wasit juicy blackmail that motivated you? Are there photos of you in compromisingpositions.

    Intoday’s permissive society, those would have to be pretty bad.

    Don’ttell me you were good friends with Jeffrey Epstein?

    Whateverthe reason, you need to stop importing people who hate our nation enough tocommit terror attacks which they have been doing forover 100 years.

    Bear inmind that if you don’t stop, then eventually Muslims will be a majority andwill be voting you out of office all over the country and not just in WesternSydney and parts of Melbourne.

    If thathappens, then I’ll be out of a job too and my replacement will not just be onboard with the rallies, he’ll be cheering on the terror attacks too.

    Yoursin sincerely stunned amazement



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