War with China, page-7

  1. 7,464 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    CCP has been in a greyzone non-shooting war with Oz and the west for over a decade. Think near constant cyber attacks. Think 2014 South China Sea militarization when nobody threatens China.Think fabricated reasons for trade-war starting 2020. Think opportunistically using Solomons pre Fed election to help AlboLabor paint ScoMo Gov as having "lost the Solomons" while Wong prattled on sanctimonious about bi-partisanship.

    Chinese hostility to Oz was first openly obvious in April 2008 when hundreds of pro-Beijing protesters were bussed into Canberra at the time of the Olympic torch rally. 60 coach loads of pro-Beijing "protesters" were bussed in from all over to combat a few pro-Tibet people handing out pamphlets. That amazing display of hostility was just quickly passed over in Canberra - I do not remember many drawing the obvious conclusion that we have an active CCP 5th Column here.

    Remember that mad idea we were raised on about "not interfering in the internal affairs of another country".
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