WARNING TO AUSTRALIA >> keep out of Indonesian aff, page-46

  1. 831 Posts.
    It is interesting indeed how the truth is suddenly dawning on Australians that all is not as JW Howard and his sychophantic rear end of US licking mob make it out to be.

    I made the prediction or forecast about a month ago that they would not attack Iraq. I stand by that remark. Sheik Yamani has regained his influence in Saudi circles and not for any small reason he will ensure that his 'adoptive brother' Sheik Mohammed Abdullah who holds power in Saudi will not tolerarte US influence and military power against Iraq. His wife Dr.Laila a Harvard trained lawyer is Iraqi and very passionately so.

    With Indonesia, now there is confusion as to who did what and the sands of truth keep changing each day. Two westerners who were filming the area both before and after the incident are being sought not by Australia but by interpol.

    The disinformation campaign blames the army. The substance they say that was used was firstly some high powered explosive and not TNT, then conveniently prilled amonium nitrate and the rest goes on.

    The Indonesians are not cooperating with the FAP for reasons they keep to themselves. But as many of you quite correctly pointed out, the damage to us in the long run is going to be far greater than any damage little johnny can inflict on the Indonesians.

    The call to ban Austrlaian mining companies and to seize their assets is growing strong. The Jamaat I Islamia (and not Ismailia as Howard calls it) is not an organization as such. It is a term by which any Muslim community is referred to anywhere. It simply means the community of Islam or the Brotherhood of Islam. The cleric 'sought for the bombing'is as culpable in that bombing as Howard or Frazer are in the Hilton bombing or the sinking of the Siev X. In fact the culpability of Howard is far greater than that of the cleric.

    The attempts of the US to instigate a coup in Indonesia is not a new phenomenon. democracy in countries as strategically important to the interests of international trade and western interests in the region as Indonesia is is anathema to them. It is a lot cheaper to keep them pregnant, submissive, subservient and in poverty for business to succeed.

    It is now common knowledge in the region that Australians their goods and services will be given the same treatment and priority as Australia gives them.

    UMNO youth in Malaysia have called for students from Malaysia to reconsider studying in Australia and to take up their studies in UK, the US or elsewhere. New Zealand has also been considered to be safer.

    QANTAS is likely to have its services in the region reduced which Singapore will benefit greatly from. Thats the only friendly country for Australia in the region. And SIA is no friend of QANTAS.

    John Howard has taken this thing about his Winston Churchillian role a bit too far. The fall out is yet to be felt.

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