Hard to say what John Howard's team will come up with.Without...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Hard to say what John Howard's team will come up with.

    Without doubt the obvious nature of the labor party as a transperent front for the union bosses and a vehicle to seize power across Australia by virtue of all states with puppet labor fronts, would seem to be an essential weakness of the union boss strategy. However the method of expoiting this weakness is quite important.

    Obviously, the union bosses would like it best if noone noticed that the labor leadership ranks consist almost entirely of union bosses of one type or another and so would like it if this topic did not come up in discussions.

    Obviously John Howard will attempt to exploit this obvious nature of the labor party to some extent or another in combination with other strategies I would guess.

    Fortunately for John Howard a significant portion of the voting public is old enough to remember the worst of the union days and so their is quite a bit of imagery and nightmare-type memories that will very quickly return to these voters.

    The younger voters who never actually experienced the union days, and you have been spoon-fed whitehashed stories by a left-wing and grossly deficient education process will be more difficult.

    The election process is by nature unpredictable.

    However, for the present,the completely obvious bias of the media has created an uneven playing field in favour of the union bosses. Whether John Howard can overcome that uneven playing field and win against a media complex determined for him to lose is another story.

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