warning, page-3

  1. 2,574 Posts.

    Quite an interesting post you have there! Question - even if a number of people on this site post incorrect information how can you:

    a) prove that they did so with the deliberate intent to mislead others?

    b) prove that others solely followed the advice of the person posting the misleading info?

    c) prove that there was no contributory negligence on the part of the other person who followed the advice of the misleading poster? (ie failure to do own due diligence)

    You don't get prosecuted just because others are idiots m! A good defence would tear your case to shreds. Just throwing up a devil's advocate approach - no malice intended. I'm very interested in how somebody could possibly prosecute rampers where even the actual website has a caveat emptor attaching to it!!

    Interested in your thoughts.
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