So Cal is a failed socialist state. We know that...ranks near...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    So Cal is a failed socialist state. We know that...ranks near the lowest out of all the states on most of the metrics that matter

    Homelessness is rife, crime out of control and they have no water and power. Jobs leaving the state. Industry pulling the plug.

    So they have a democratic process where, if enough voters make the call, they RECALL the Governor, and an early election is called

    It's on this week.

    Here's an astute observer's call on how it will play out. He gives the four reasons.

    Gotta give it to the Dems...they are political geniuses. Like men playing boys when it comes to manipulative dirty tricks

    So, here’s my prediction for the California Governor’s Recall Election…

    Gavin Newsom will be recalled and Larry Elder will be the next Governor of California. Except it won’t matter. Because after all the massive Democrat vote fraud is factored in, Gavin Newsom will survive the recall and Larry Elder will lose.

    I think Larry’s great. I’ve been a fan of Larry Elder for decades. I started my national radio career as a guest host for Larry. I think Larry Elder is just what the doctor ordered for the tragic mess California is in.

    Larry would win- if the legitimate votes were counted honestly. But they aren’t. As communist dictator Joseph Stalin once said, “Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

    California is a failed socialist hellhole. Crooked Democrats count the votes in California (and any other Democrat-controlled state).

    Larry Elder is about to find out what it’s like to be Donald J. Trump. He’s about to find out what it’s like to have an election stolen by brazen socialist/communist criminals who will stop at nothing to destroy America. He’s about to experience a rigged and stolen election. Just like Trump.

    How do I know? Let me count the ways.

    First, millions of illegal aliens are voting in California. When they get their drivers licenses at DMV, they are automatically registered to vote. By law, no one is allowed to ask if they are a citizen. No one can ask for valid ID. Millions of illegal alien voters tip the scale for failed socialist Democrats in California. It’s pretty simple- they vote for the party that won’t deport them and will keep welfare checks coming from cradle to grave.

    Second, California has sent out tens of millions of mail-in ballots. Just like Biden-Trump in 2020, there is no way to know who’s who. There is no Voter ID. There is no chain of custody. There is no signature verification. There is nothing but millions of fake ballots, signed with fake names.

    Just one of my fans has received 16 ballots at his California home. He lives there with only his wife and two kids. Sorry Larry, Democrats and their flood of fake ballots will never allow you to win this one. Third, California allows anyone to print out ballots on their home computer. That’s pure insanity.

    Fourth, California has ballot harvesting. Anyone can collect thousands of fake ballots, fill them out and hand them in. Democrats have perfected this art.

    Lastly, the actual ballots were designed with a flaw. You must fold the ballot to mail it. Computers that scan the votes often auto-cancel the name checked on the fold. Guess who’s name is on the fold out of 46 candidates? Larry Elder. What a coincidence. What a shocker!

    So, I’m rooting for you Larry. I know you’d make a great Governor. But sadly, I know it won’t matter. The election is rigged. Your Governorship will be stolen, just as Trump’s presidency was stolen.

    The question is, when will conservatives and patriots wake up and do something about it?

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