In my little love shack I only drink rain water. About 15-20...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    In my little love shack I only drink rain water.
    About 15-20 years ago the WA water board tested the water quality of all towns in the state and my town ranked 3rd worst

    If I use my tap water I will kill an electric kettle in under a year, I've never had a hot water system last ten years, I think 8.5 years was the best.
    The water comes from a bore and has a high lime/calcium content.

    When you said that the Uzbek's didn't know what a tank was I wasn't surprised, most Aussie city folk know what they are but think, just like those people that it must be dirty.
    Most people that visit me for the first time at some stage put the kettle on and I have to explain that they use the water bottle not the tap.
    When they realise that the bottle isn't bought from the shop but filled from the tank they look at me funny and ask what filtration system I use.

    I ask them if their cuppa tastes ok, always get a yes, then I say what's a filtration system?
    I follow up with, seagull poop gives the water the edge and puts hairs on your chest!!

    I only connect my tanks after the third decent rains in winter after I've cleaned the gutters and I disconnect when I fill my 4000ltr capacity.

    My family home in Perth hasn't got a tank but I'm looking at getting one or 3 of the slimline tanks for there as I'm a corner block next to a popular roundabout.
    I don't like the tap water there much either and I'll run them down my fence on the exposed side to give the house a bit of extra protection if some peanut overestimates his driving abilities.
    I've got to knock a few debts over before I get to that stage so it might be in a couple of winters time before I get to it.

    I'm sure you know that it's generally only people with water tanks that have any concept of water the rest barely even think of water past their sink tap.

    Ps Do you run your fire suppression system tests on the really hot days in summer? Great way to knock the heat off the house if it has built up over a few days, Coolgardie safe style.
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