No wonder they do nothing but attack, they just can't find...

  1. 27,342 Posts.
    No wonder they do nothing but attack, they just can't find anything to hang their hat on ....take the pathetic attempt of Wayne to praise his economic credentials today.

    Wayne stood in parliament and evidenced his governments ability to steer us through the GFC by making a simple direct comparison between pre and post GFC jobless figures between the USA and Australia.

    No point of reference to the strength of our and theirs trading partners.
    No mention of record exports in raw materials where the US have no such strength or equivalent.
    No mention that US banks and financials were on the brink of collapse while in Aus the inbuilt strength meant no such extensive bailouts were required.
    No mention of debt positions of each country.
    No comparison of interest rates.
    And on and on we could go.

    Wayne Swan IMO either takes us all for fools or simply one himself.

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