wayne swan: property set to crash, page-2

  1. 97 Posts.

    Why all the moderation? Has Mr Rudd join HC, and what is his moderator nick? ;)

    but seriously,

    It's very clever really.

    He's just being opportunistic. He (the ALP) has found something with an ever so tenuous link on which to pass the blame, so as to avoid responsibility when things go wrong.
    When the property market collapses, (as they full well know it will) be prepared to hear many a time "It's not our fault! It's because of the USA financial crisis. I told you so."

    It is simply another,
    World Trade centre attack - link it to an uninvolved country (Iraq) that has a tenuous link to the event (all middle easterners look the same and therefore are all terrorists), Which also just happens to be a country that you have plans for - Spin the crap enough on the Plasma TV's in everyones living room - get popular support for invasion and control of Iraq's oil reserves. Wha-la.

    Or, a bit closer to home
    Inflation goes up, petrol prices go up, actually, cost of everything goes up, Hmm what are we going to blame this on so it doesn't look like we the Govt are in any way to blame.... Bananas. Don't you remember? Australia's entire inflationary problem a few years ago was blamed on the rising price of bananas. And the public bought it. Wha-la. lol.

    And unfortunately, this new nonsence will be believed by the majority, as is most government propaganda.
    Alas, tis the bane of an over-entertained and under-thinking society.

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