wayne swann

  1. 2,223 Posts.
    I normally don't worry much with politics but this little exchange on the 7:30 report really caught my ear.
    (the Bold is mine)

    "KERRY O'BRIEN: In part in response to Government policy. It just sounds as if the Government is moving away a little bit from the sentiment that was coming through late last year - on this program; Kevin Rudd said he likes the idea of a big Australia. Now, you've also said that you think that we should be able to plan for and manage that level of population growth. What do you base your confidence on that Australia can reasonably sustain that level of population just on the basis of water and arable land alone?'

    WAYNE SWAN: Well because Australians have always been very good, right through our history, at adapting to social and environmental and economic change.... "
    Adapt? How do you adapt to lack of water and arable land?

    I know, we're all going to turn to camels, live in the desert and build up our economy by manufacturing and exporting miniture sand castles!

    This man really hasn't got a clue.

    (Now I just hope he doesn't read my post and thinks its a good idea!)
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