we aint gonna follow orders- and that's that!, page-16

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Interesting snooker that Dershowitz upholds the decision of the Israeli high court yet Sharon backed by your inspiring, breast beating rhetoric was saying how UNdemocratic this court was... You can't have it both ways mate. If the Israeli Supreme Court says that parts of the wall need to be moved so that there is a more equitable dipsosal of land, then that must be considered a valid judgement and acted upon, not legislated against as you so suggest....


    What I said was that the Court had strayed into areas that were grey areas...........and as such might not have been their area of juresdiction.

    Having said that, it's possible that elected parlimentarians might look at the issue agaian....and not only mark out the boundaries of the fence, but also mark out the boundaries that a court must follow......just as it happens here or anywhere else.....otherwise there is no need for a parliament....we might as well refer everything to courts.

    If parliamentarians who are elected and thus are answerable to the electorate clarify a law........and leave less room for appointed judges to meddle where angels fear to tread......the happier I would be.

    They do it here, when madatory sentencing laws are introduced and discretion is removed.....so the same rule of the thumb can apply to any other area.

    Coming back to the world court.....it's a load of crap.....they are loaded...biased and just looking at the way the court is contructed.......the countries that appoint the judges, want to make one puke.

    They want to sit in judgement re Israel, yet their own countries are utter crap when it comes to freedom...democracy and tolerance....

    Everyone can see that......

    No comparison to the Supreme Court of Israel....

    The world court???? Another extension of the UN....where every rogue country has the same vote as any democratic country......every tinpot dictator is courted for their vote......and so on.

    And I ask, why is Israel the only country exluded from having a judge on that Court?

    What, every Arab country .....and China qualify? What, they have such great track records at home?

    Get real!

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