we all pay for rudd drum banging

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Rudd very cunning - Labor coffers said to be very threadbare, to broke stage - do the general public even REALISE this? HE delays the formal announcement of an election date, so we mug taxpayer plebs are the idiots presently footing ALL of his gargantuan electioneering bills incurred around this ayslum seeker crisis - Labor currently running up a taxpayer bill around $63 million.

    Yest $63 million-ish being spend - of tapayer funding - just blowing the Rudd bags on this ONE issue alone Making HIM look good - "Kevin will fix it".

    When it was HE who broke it - in the first place.

    The colossal cold-blooded nerve of the man! NO woner he walks around with that phony smile glued to his face! Because he thinks we're all stupid! Because many fall fr this rot! This mountain high wastage - of OUR hard earned monies!

    He has all this minutely planned - this devious ploy, I and others allege, For he knows FULL WELL, that, UNTIL he goes to see his choice of that high post's current incumbent,- his MATE Ms. Bryce, Governor General, he can continue this outrageous plunder of our funds being used for his own self-aggrandisement and political lies, being spruiked nationally across sycophantic airwaves ad nauseum.

    Election by deception. THAT"S why he's not calling it until he's forced too. Because he's using OUR money - all to his own personal promotion.

    THEN, when he actually finds the courage to call the election he HAS to have (and wouldn't call if he didn't have to) - he also knows this rorting had to stop.

    This outrageous, scandalous rort of public money, HAS to stop. This devious bald-faced impost on hard-workers, this farce, this bald-faced, lying, plundering, national me me me self promotive false advertising. He and his cronies blythely using this taxpayer funded 'other people's money' huge spending spree to get him and themselves re-elected.

    Rudd KNOWS (he and his cohorts) that this deception, this tapping of public monies trying to d eceive the public, for all their sleazy personal advancements (all those disloyal self-interested choppers and changers, like Albanese, Macklin, Plebersek, Shorten, Burke, et al) yes, they ALL know this gravy train will stop - the day he goes to YArralumla. And that's why, I allege, he's playing this filthy "you can just wait" game! He needs OUR money!

    They (he) know, full well, that then, (only then) this wreckage of what was once a half decent Labor PArty has to actually face reality, fall back on their own limited to almost nil finances, to run their (final days of) this campaign to election day on some shoestring - instead of OUR unsolicited largesse! With access to limited specified funds they are entitled to - but no longer able to tap huge scandalous amounts, to carry out this allegedly immoral (illegal?) reckless drain on the public purse.

    Yes, Labor can resort to $63 million of OUR money - to paint themselves sudden "heroic" solvers of a six year old worsening daily "boats" problem. They grab this money, just because they're in power. This "Clayton's" election - he gets the taxpayer to pay for it. The Liberal Party have no equal to any such electioneering funding - being "only" the Opposition. They have to spend their own money - no pot of gold of OUR funds, for them!

    Easy to be an all conquering political "blowhard" - when someone else (US) is picking up the tab!

    Sly, sneaky, plotting, devious, dishonest, and blaming everyone else but himself. For Howard stopped the boats. FOUR people in detention when Howard was voted out.

    And Rudd launched them again. Just because he could, Out of sheer spite - and political hatred.

    This mess is ALL, entirely Rudd's fault. As were the four young Australian deaths - the result of the pink batts disgraceful fiasco - of mad ideas - and shonky installers.
    If my child had been one of those killed, and I met Rudd in some shopping mall, his nose would be decidedly bloodied in the process! AND he has the cheek to walk around and pat other people's babies! When he himself causes such deaths!
    This despicable man. Never takes an responsibility - but crows his lies - "the buck stops with me" rubbish. As one bereaved mother of one of these young dead people observed - so poingantly - "I wish he'd just disappear!". (And so do we!).

    And Rudd such an alleged sociopath, he now claims "glory" for himself? HE solving the boat problem. AT all our expenses? This man, I allege, hugely, recklessly, dangerously, off the rails.

    He did the "murder", (of a working perfectly previously,) solution to this boat problem). And now he pretend to walk on water - at all our expenses - claims he's resurrected a dead body?
    The one which HE killed?

    OPM - (Other People's Money). Many get rich on it. Or to the top of the heap on it. Rudd's clever - but totally Machiavellian. IS this what Australia needs?

    What an ugly scenario Australia has now become. We have haters and sneerers for "rulers". And we have to watch it, our right to a voice constantly suppressed by these Left Wing political thugs and their constant plottings. And their sycophantic, equally culpable media supporter cheer squads. Us all footing their bills.
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