"... the usual opinionated rant from a person I am guessing is...

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "... the usual opinionated rant from a person I am guessing is an elderly white male who knows he is correct because he says so. Same old same old."

    Rant ... ? You must be kidding or have never experienced a real rant.
    "elderly white male" ... As distinct from a wet behind the ears, self opinionated inexperienced youth who knows he is correct because he says so.
    Such a silly insecure attitude. Why not just address the issues raised.

    "You don't accept per capita emissions as a valid measure because you have the same attitude as most of the deniers ... etc "

    Nope, nothing to do with what you or I accept. Nature does not use "per capita" as a factor for climate change.
    That's how it is.
    Whether you like it or not.
    Likewise, the fact that Western countries produced most CO2 emissions until recently is now irrelevant except as part of the current issue.

    If you want to start another thread on per capita emissions as a moral aspect of Australia's position, no problem. However it won't make any difference to the World's climate ... AT ALL

    You need to send your moral outrage pleas to the countries that are producing the majority of CO2 now and as projected.
    Np doubt they will agree and cease the process of ensuring their re-election by uplifting the standard of living to that espoused by Western societies for so long.
    Yeah right.

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