We are at emergency levels, page-220

  1. 12,378 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 764
    You are only making it worse when you cite the vested interested doing what they do.

    Unfortunately you are simply ignorant in this area.

    The economists advice was to essentially undo what the vested interests had achieved over time. This was the achievement.

    In desperate times the govt finally listened AND acted on this advice.

    In less desperate times as the years go by the vested interests keep lobbying for changes that result in them getting richer at the expense of the rest of society which does long term harm to society. Negative gearing laws making property too dear for our grand children are an example of this sort of thing. In less desperate times govts care more about votes or retaining office than fixing big problems ie vested interested over ruling sound economic advice.
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