lets put aside whether you like him or not -------- what about...

  1. 82,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    lets put aside whether you like him or not --------

    what about the idea?

    the idea of a reset - by the private world and people for the benefit of the planet and nature?

    personally, I have no problem at all getting behind the concept - if it were pure of heart -

    where's the issue?????

    earth and (lets call it nature) - nature (all the stuff that lives on the dirt and rocks and all the water and air) --------

    is our home

    it's our only home whilst we are embodied (at least) - there's nowhere else

    it's not like we can light a smelly incinerator and say - oh, lets bugger off for a day or so until the stink goes or like we can fill up the backyard with crap and say -- oh, bugger this - lets just forget this one and go and buy another house and start again

    nope ------- everything we do soils our backyard, if we stick stuff up into the air - it makes the air dirty, if we chuck stuff into the gutter - it goes into the drains, into the creeks, into the rivers and into the oceans ------------ our only oceans.
    If we fill our land with rubbish and poisons - then, that's where the stuff stays - in our soils - unless it bubbles off into our air.

    where's the problem in having an idea that says --------------- hey all, - how about we do this in a cleaner way?

    it's something that I've always been confused as to why people resist some things --------- like going what we call 'green' (the concept - not the things we have now) - as opposed to say coal

    we've had coal - it's been an absolutely fantastic product for man - zero question - it's kept us warm, it's enabled us to develop technologies, it's helped house us, it's given us transport - it's done the most wonderful things

    but ----------- lets face facts ----------------- it's dirty black shit - and, when we use it ----- we do pollute things ---------- remember what that lovely experience you have when that romantic locomotive hurtles past - at great speed belching steam and smoke - but, carrying humans - the first method of transport that carried humans faster than anything living - like running or on horse ------------ the train

    what a magical thing - it took us long distances, it gave us places to take new lovers and children on trips that were born out of that love - and, the smells and sounds were magical --------------- but, the reality was

    it polluted the crap out of the place

    it's now 2020 ----------- we are far far removed from the magical days of trains with steam - we are in the days of self drive cars, electric cars, robots, iphones --

    we have the ability to search for cleaner ways - and, if we are good - cheaper ways, more harmonious ways with nature

    it's time to change - it's 2020 ----------it's not 1820 (first steam train was about 1800 ish)

    In our world - the sky should be blue, the water should be crystal clear, the air should be pristine, the soils in very good condition, the forests growing green, straight and strong and lots of them.

    It is our world ------------ it's the only one we have got and it's the only one we will be gifting to our children and their children.

    And, no - it's not the number of people on the planet ------------- it's what they do and how they behave
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