We are divided...then conquered?

  1. 23,007 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 827
    I read with disbelief some of the things that have been said about the recent tragedy in Bali and think but at least we are lucky, we can have opposing views and air them.
    I then read this mornings paper where the contadiction in the sentiment of the letters echoes the comments made here on HC.
    From some saying that it was done to polarise Aussie support to invade Iraq, hence US or even Australian implications. Others saying that the blood is on John Howards hands as we shouldn't have provoked an angry bull ants nest with out expecting them to bite.
    Our democracy has given us the right to be two minute experts on everything and these pearls of wisdom are categorically shoved down everyone elses throat because the author knows best. There is no question or room for doubt, only the answer, which differs from the column adjacent.
    We are abhored so we blame, not the diseased minded people that did this, but each other or our allies.
    I start to think that perhaps being divided isn't so lucky anymore. There are no 100%'s, except if your a terrorist with no concept of humanity.
    What has this to do with Iraq?...maybe nothing ...maybe everything. What is known is that it is terror and to defeat the enemy we must be single minded. Not to defeat terrorism means that the world as we know it has already ended.
    And if they really need an Islamic state let them have Tasmania, we don't use it anyway.
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