We have enough evidence already, page-62

  1. 82,512 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''I agree with a some of what you have said, but the main issue we in Australia have is immigration driving rental costs up and not enough housing.''

    10% yes and 90% no -------

    the problem with giving a simplistic answer to 'yes' to - is immigration the problem?

    is that it's a simplistic question and a simplistic answer to a question about the tiny little tip of the iceberg - and as soon as one says yes --------- that's as far as anyone thinks - and they avoid the REAL problems - which are underneath the surface

    so - if a simpleton thought - arrh, immigration is the problem - I'll fix that - then bang

    they say - ok we stopped that - all is good

    Well no --------- what they have just done is to give themselves 10 other problems that are twice as big.

    Work backwards from one part of the housing shortage -

    Demand - why do we have demand? ------- Partly excessive immigration
    Why does the government allow such numbers of immigration? - Partly business calls for it
    Why do the government do as business asks? Because business lobbies and supports government
    Why do business need immigration -----------

    and from there you begin to branch out into the real problems -
    because they refused to train their own people
    because they thought it was cheaper to bring in others that someone else magically trained (it's, someone else's problem)
    because Australia makes it very expensive for it's own to train and educate
    because the 'vision' in business is to the end of the year bottom line and very little further on

    etc etc -

    so - if one takes the simpleton path - 'stop immigration' - or even just cut immigration -

    you are nowhere near the problems - AND for housing - immigration is only ONE factor in the whole mess of affordability, ownership, homelessness
    and, to be honest - it's probably not the biggest problem now - it would have been as a part of the mix over decades

    then, under the iceberg are the other issues ---------- lack of social housing - by government.
    atrocious property ownership laws

    it just goes on
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