We have to raise revenue, not just cut spending, page-15

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    "Something needs to give and every single person, as Treasurer Joe Hockey has said, has to contribute to our society," Mr Abedian said. "But it has to be within their means."

    He said it was not the percentage of tax that mattered, but rather, how much income a person was left with once they paid tax.
    "A person who makes $2 million paying 50 per cent tax (close to the top marginal tax rate) is still left with $1 million," he said.

    Melbourne-based corporate and tax lawyer Peter Fox, who has previously worked as counsel with the World Bank and represented some of the nation's biggest companies in court, also called for company tax to increase to 45 per cent.
    He said Mr Hockey's line that the corporate tax rate in Australia was one of the highest in the developed world, was not a justification to drop the rate.
    Australia was facing severe revenue constraints and should direct assistance to where it's most needed.

    "They [business lobbies] are self-interested in saying [there should be a company tax cut]," Mr Fox said. "They look at everything else and forget to mention their company rate is 15 per cent less than the [top] personal tax rate.

    "We've got a deficit as long as your arm and the government is being told by the corporate sector, not get more from it, but less. It's taking one huge pool of funds out of the tax net; it's ignoring the contributions that corporations should be making."

    Mr Abedian said politicians needed to govern for the majority rather than a small percentage of the community that were arguing for company tax to drop.

    "The politicians should stop listening to business lobby groups and instead listen to their hearts," he said. "Company tax, in my view, needs to be increased. We are currently paying 30 per cent, but the corporate tax should increase to 45 per cent."
    He said the business and Coalition line that high company tax made Australia less competitive was a misnomer.
    Banks and tech companies were making billions through sales in Australia.
    "Forgive me, but the four biggest banks are not making money from people overseas," Mr Abedian said. "Where are they going to go? The business lobbies are misleading us so that tax reform can go in the direction that they want."


    "Mr Abedian said politicians needed to govern for the majority rather than a small percentage of the community that were arguing for company tax to drop."

    I agree,more over I make no apology for posting excerpts from articles,otherwise the out and out lies that are perpetuated from the coalition aligned posters would never cease.

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