"how does the simple of mind identify wisdom?". ........ what a...

  1. 42,759 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    "how does the simple of mind identify wisdom?". ........ what a question, one that I certainly don't feel sufficiently informed to answer.

    impressions I've had over years is that many identify "common sense" and "wisdom" in a similar manner. common sense is very subjective and mostly acceptable because what is seen as 'common' and good 'sense' agrees with the subjective assessment of what is good and sensible. to others its all rubbish.

    Wisdom is something that seems to jar the subject into an awareness they didn't previously recognise but once fronted with the subject has to think first before reacting, recognise the connections between subjective reality perception and semi-conscious archetypes (see Carl Jung). Its the connections which make sense and join up previously considered isolated facts and opinions to form a greater wholistic concept.

    well thats my limited understanding an I'll be quite happy to see other definitions, as I doubt that my understanding is correct.

    Sortition is making a massive comeback as democratic elections are being found to produce poor results. I've been pondering the concept and how sortition might be practically applied for over 30 years..... so my ideas are over-developed and in need of modern interpretations.

    Essentially it is a simple method of random selection. The Athenians used a citizen list that was limited with landholder citizens. this meant that women and other lesser people such as slaves and impoverished athenians had no say but could rise, if permitted, to become citizens of Athens and landholders and so gain the right to be chosen.

    Around 100 citizens were chosen by lot to represent the city state in the Senate. To debate and approve new laws, to discuss threats and opportunities etc. they served for one year and then others were chosen for the next term.

    this ensured there was less bias and less corruption of governance, although attempts continued to influence new Senators. Several Senators, eg Pericles, earned the right to continue as Senators after the tenure had ended and began a trend away from sortition democracy toward 'presidential' leadership by the 3rd century BC.

    my ideas on how sortition might work are similar to what I've written about independent MPs re-packaging how our parliamentary system might work. by electing from the Senate (in the Athenian sense) committees to take charge of portfolio departments, the committee could take applications from experts to actually run the management without the interference of the Senators. a panel of experts would report back to the committee requesting management decisions that required a peoples' vote and to enact legislation to ensure good governance.

    this is a very simple example and there are many faults with my ideas. others would likely put forward better suggestions imo.

    I look forward to your thoughts Q.
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