'We must fight back' Vladimir Putin calls for action, page-16

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    There is absolutely no point having a foreign policy on ISIS if you are not prepared to have a domestic one. And every western government is just too gutless to do what it takes.

    It's all good and well fighting ISIS in the middle east but what about the cockroaches that have scurried back home to Europe? A cockroach should never have been able to live within his community for months before orchestrating another attack in Brussels. You can't just fumigate one room and then expect the cockroaches not to move to another room.

    Attacking ISIS in the middle east is nothing more than window dressing. This is an ideology. Nazism and communism wasn't defeated by PC crap like in the US, they have laws that the government is not allowed to know the address' of refugees. What a joke!

    Drastic times call for drastic measures. The "we should cuddle them and show them love" just doesn't work and it just plays into their whole "the west is weak" attitude, which a lot have taken advantage of quite nicely. The frech pres wants his people to learn to live with terrorism so we know how tough he will be. You cannot defeat them domestically unless you start deporting them en mass including families who have dual citizenship or temporary visas. Perhaps then Jihadists may not feel as protected in their neighbourhoods like the do now. Get in a destroy the Muslim enclaves where they have no-go zones. Make it compulsory for mosques to have video cameras and deport any implement laws to get hate preachers more easily deported. Have tighter scrutiny of the curriculum at Muslim schools especially those for example in the UK that have controversially allowed radical preachers to come and speak to students about Sharia law and encourage the repression of women. It's time to close down Sharia courts and demand that Muslims intergrate into western society under our laws.

    The leftists way of cuddling them and pandering to them does NOT work. It's time for the Muslim communities around the world to either admit they have a problem or be told that they have a serious problem. This is only going to get worse and I can't see with the way our governments pander to them, it will NEVER get better. Start sending families home and yanking their welfare (for those that are on it) and maybe then they will think twice about lending an ear to radicalism and protecting anyone who turns that way;.
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