Generally a pretty broad statement starwoman,and do you...

  1. 3,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Generally a pretty broad statement starwoman,and do you specifically know why it was mandated?,if your choice was implemented then a massive extermination program would be implemented such as happened in Cambodia,West Papua,

    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
    0 Time Location Perpetrators Victims Number of victims
    1 1949 to 1987[/FONT] China Communists Chinese public 40 million
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    0 1975 to 1979 Cambodia Khmer Rouge Public 1.7 to 2 million
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    0 1975 to 1999 East Timor Muslims Roman Catholics 200,000
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    0 1985 Sudan Mainly Muslim militia and government Initially, mostly Animists & Christiaas; now mainly Muslims About 200,000 deaths; millions
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    0 1994 Rwanda Mainly Hutus Mainly Tutsis; some moderate Hutus about 800,000
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    0 1995 to 1999 Bosnia Herzegovina Serbian Orthodox Christians (mainly) Muslims (mainly) 200,000
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    0 1998 to 1999 Kosovo Mainly Serbian Orthodox Christians Mainly Muslims 400,000 displaced; deaths unknown
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    0 1997 to present Democratic Republic of the Congo Government, army, army irregulars and rebels. General public About 6 million killed. Others suffered rape, destruction of property. etc. Deaths continue.
    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
    0 2010 (if a proposed law is passed) Uganda Judicial murder Lesbians, gays, & bisexual adults who engage in same-sex sexual behavior If detected, about 5% of the adult population may be legally murdered
    Saddam Hussein looks like a saint now doesn't he?
    And when you put a corrupt Shia leader like Mallick in supported by the way by us in Australia ----- well this is what happens

    1. Philip Short, "Mao: A life,"
    2. Ben Kiernan, "The Pol Pot regime: Race, power and genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge," 1975-9," 0300070527
    3. "Welcome to the Cambodian Genocide Program," at:
    4. "East Timor index page," at:
    5. "The Triumph of Evil," PBS/Frontline, at:
    6. "Rwanda and Zaire: Comprehending the crisis," at:
    7. "Leave none to tell the story: Genocide in Rwanda," Human Rights Watch, at:
    8. K.V. Lawrence, "International dimensions of genocide," at:
    9. "Bosnia: Psychology of genocide," at:
    10. "Rwanda: The preventable genocide," Vision TV, at:
    11. "Question: Who was the Bloodiest Tyrant of the 20th Century? Answer: We don't know," Twentieth Century Atlast, at:
    12. "After Milosevic, other war criminals must be captured and tried," MPAC News, 2006-MAR-14, at:
    13. "Probe into Sudan genocide claims," CNN, 2004-APR-22, at:
    14. "Darfur conflict," Wikipedia, at:
    15. Anne Barrowclough, "Survivor of Khmer Rouge death camp to give evidence at trial," Times Online, 2009-FEB-16, at:
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