we need a referendum on re-colonisation of png, page-6

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Gilded says:

    "I have a sick feeling Australia has been sold a lemon again."
    We have been sold a whole orchard of barren lemon trees.

    The uprising by convict refugees in Labor's Manus Island
    concentration camp in PNG involved 300 escapees. Rudd
    will expand his Manus Penitentiary to 3000 refugees.
    Once they realise Rudd (not a judge) has given them
    a life sentence, there will be a revolution, like on
    PNG's Bougainville Island when BHP mistreated
    native workers, land-holders and polluted
    their rivers with copper-mine waste.

    I still can't get my head around how arrogant and
    cruel White Men can be to so-called inferior races.
    Rudd apologised for what they did to Aborigines.
    Now he's re-colonising PNG so he can be cruel
    to 'lesser races' that could lead to revolution.

    Where is Malcolm Turnbull when he's needed
    to save us from mad Tony and madder Rudd.
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