Hello Brucey, thats the way keep posting as it improves the...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Hello Brucey, thats the way keep posting as it improves the mind. I intend to keep focussing a fair bit on the Opposition as this country needs a viable Opposition and therefore there is a need to analyse why they are not yet up to scratch. Its one thing to focus on the government but given the economic circumstances etc the lib/nationals ought to be able to do a lot better but seem to be failing badly IMO. There is a huge margin between Prime Minister Rudd and Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnball in the preferred PM stakes (60% versus 22%) that shows either something is drastically wrong with the calibre of the Liberal/National leadership or it must be that in the eyes of the public Kevin Rudd is seen as a much more competent PM. There can be no other explanation.

    I still think Malcolm Turnball is the best leader has from the shadow front bench so the problem must be the impact of some of the other shadow front bench members so my posts may have to focus on whats going on with them ie Bishop, Abbott etc. Also does anyone know whats happening with Costello who is sitting on the back bench. Until its clear what he will be doing Malcolm will no doubt be keeping an ear to the ground in case rumblings start to appear. Very destabilising for Malcolm, Brucey. It is vexing that Malcolm cant seem to make any real headway in spite of all the things the few liberal posters here say the government is doing wrong. Maybe the government in the circumstances isnt doing such a bad job as the only other possibility is that Turnball is being seen as doing an extraordinarily bad job. Who knows? Clearly a closer analysis of the Opposition ranks is needed to get to the bottom of it. Maybe ,yourself and seer, boffin 1979 and simco could do a bit of analysis on why Malcolm is not really making much of an impression. Im sure many other posters would join in to help the analysis.

    cheers and a very good night to you Brucey. Go Brockman Resources.
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