Your posts are a wonder of naive optimism. That plucky Aussie...

  1. 6,264 Posts.
    Your posts are a wonder of naive optimism. That plucky Aussie spirit etc.

    I have initiated several threads lately and they all ended up dealing with our possible responses to Muslim extremism.

    Post #: 22718321 Started with Ice but went on to religion.

    Post #: 22731998
    Post #: 22955801

    How then would you stop no-go zones from being created? It reads like your plan is to bring in the army.

    I mentioned several times we need to have a policy of not allowing migrants into major cities until they had proved they understood the assimilation process and sworn an oath to the values of Australia.

    They are to live outside of regional cities for 10 years before being offered citizenship and need an unblemished record if they are to achieve that status.
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