Pogroms were/are for loud mouthed . sh!t stirrers who make life...

  1. 1,951 Posts.
    Pogroms were/are for loud mouthed . sh!t stirrers who make life unpleasant for everyone else with their blatant lies and warmongering. Sometimes peasants do need an outlet for the time when they realize they have been had, thus a pogrom.
    Lets examine who would be the victims of such an event were one to occur on Hotcopper ? I bet the majority would go after those who have been demonstrably lying and making the forum an unpleasant place with Zionist propoganda. And when did the Hotcopper forum become an unpleasant place for many ? With the appearance here of Yak and Snooker, and the accompanying barrage of zionist warmongering and rascist propoganda,thats when.
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