we need your help, please read this!

  1. 6 Posts.
    First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am My(sachi), Web admin and customer care staff of AM Communication joint stock company(AM Com), a joint-venture of m2m corporation limited in Vietnam.

    As some earlier topic: http://www.hotcopper.com.au/post_threadview.asp?fid=1&tid=1357888&msgno=6201343#6201343
    You may know some bad things happened with us. This is details what i want to tell everyone:

    In order to provide retail service in Vietnam, m2m Corporation Limited (MCL) uses its 2 subsidiaries (m2m Technology Pty Limited) and m2m Solution Pty Limited) to co-operate with its partner in VN (AVAC).

    They signed Joint Venture Contract on 14th May 2009. However our company (AM Communication Joint stock company, service name is SIPme Vietnam follow SIPme Australia technical) was only established on 22nd June 2010 due to lack of supporting documents. MTPL &MSPL even do not have a charter; MSPL does not have bank account with amount equal to its committed contribution. Mr. Peter John Saunders-CEO of m2m and legal representative of MTPL & MSPL even said: why so hurry when he was asked to provide those documents.

    We were so glad when AM Com was setup as we had waited for so long. However, good things did not come as we expected. m2m committed to contribute the capital via MTPL & MSPL for all operations of AM Com. The bank account was opened but never been activated as no money was banked in. Even salary was paid via personal bank account of General Director (Mr. Wayne Tan). Before AM Com set up, we received money for salary, office expense, marketing fund (which is US$500-too little for any marketing campaign). After AM Com set up, we even do not receive enough money for salary. Salary must be paid in 2 times. We had to use our own money for office expense. We had been chased by landlord many times for not paying rental in time. According to Vietnam labor law, company must pay for social/medical/unemployment insurance for staffs, but we just receive insurance money in 2 months (August & September 2010) and couldnt pay as companys account was not activated. Since then, we did not receive anything even salary. In December 2010, Mr. Ian Clarkson Chairman of m2m and now is Executive Director as MCL announcement on 6th January 2011 promised to make payment for all staffs in 31st December and 15th January 2011. However, on 31st they did not do it with the reason that Mr. Peter was on leave. Who can believe that a company can work with people that do not follow plan made by their own like this? Until now, there is still no payment. Their promises are nothing.

    Without office rental, all staffs were kicked out of office. The landlord sealed our office and even searched our stuffs so that we could not take anything out of office. We just do our job for living, why should we suffer from this?
    Before AM Com set up, we already had a joke on salary late payment. We always said Mr. Peter & Mr. Ian are old & they have to take train to go from suburb to Melbourne to make the T/T and we should wait for them.

    This situation happened before in China (Mybaipin & Xigital). These are also companies invested by m2 and was also abandoned by m2m. The staffs there did not get salary also.(These information was kept in secret with all staffs in Vietnam).

    Before AM Com set up, we had to work under Profit Way Technology (PWT) a Hong Kong company. This company even does not have an office now. They just have a name and hire a warehouse to keep some equipments. Mr. Peter even tried to kick us out of PWT when AM Com was not set up and we had no labor contract with it. However we refused so now we have both labor contract with PWT and AM Com.
    We have made complaint to ASX & ASIC for help; we really do not understand why a company like m2m can be a listed company and use this title to go around and do such a business. They use this investment to raise funds and earn from stock market but they actually do nothing. While waiting for AMs establishment, some people even raised a question if m2m was doing money laundry as they were so slow in all operations. Until now we did not see any real action from ASX & ASIC too. We wonder if it is the way to do business in Australia. How many companies, how many other people will be cheated by m2m in the future. We believe a listed company and joined it as listed company must be audited very carefully and do business in the right way but it seems not to be like that.

    We are fighting to get what we deserve and also hope that every company, everyone be aware of our situation so that none will have to suffer from what we are suffering.
    We sent email to Mr. Peter & Mr. Ian many times but they never reply directly to us. All emails was forwarding from resigned General Director Mr. Wayne Tan
    We called Mr. Peter at private phone number but he never picks up the phone.

    As m2ms web admin. Last week I left a message on their website (www.m2mcorp.com.au) to remind them that we are still waiting for our payment and let everyone know what happened with us-AM Com staffs. But 2 days later, as they couldnt do anything else, they asked Planet Domain to shutdown and lock account completely. Even other staffs and my email account under m2mcorp domains also disabled ([email protected]).

    They are now doing a project in ASIA, and co-operate with GCS( GreenCollar climate solution). I want to let them know what MCL is, and it is not good to co-operate with them.
    Most of us are female and in Vietnam now is the end of the year as Vietnamese use Lunar calendar so it is really hard for us to find a job, we have family and have to live too. If anyone knows how to help us or needs any other information to update for other companies and people, please kindly contact me at this email address: [email protected] or my private email:[email protected]

    And to all who are reading these words, if you feel sorry for us could you please do us a favor. If possible, please send this message to as much people as you know that they have connection with MCL and warn them so that this critical case could never happen again.
    Thank you your concerns,
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