We`re damned if we back USA,damned if we don`t, page-23

  1. 1,781 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Let me just take one point of divergenge between the Christian teaching (Quote from Jesus in the NT) and Islam. Then let me indicate to how it undermines your whole position.

    Jesus said in the context of (Jewish at the time) Palestine being under Roman control.He said "Render to Caesar (The embodiment of the State) the things that are Caesars' and to God the things that are Gods'. "

    Now that is a concise statement of the doctrine of seperation of church and state. There is nothing like that in Islam. In fact I heard an Ex-Muslim scholar from Egypt, who had become an agnostic ,say that that was the one great distiguishing feature between Christianity and Islam and further was the reason why better systems of government were developed in the West.

    Now Islam makes no such distinction and the great present movements within Islam both radical and moderate is for the establishment of Islamic States where state (politics if you please) and religion is so intertwined that they cannot be seperated.

    So to make the statement that you do,that this is about politics and not religion shows your appalling ignorance of Islam, the teachings of the Q'ran and the objectives of all those Islamists both radical and moderate who reject pluralism.

    I am using radical in the sense of obtaining Islam's objectives through violent means and moderate in the sense that Islam's objectives can be acheived by peaceful means.

    While you fellas keep approaching Islam with a Modern pluralistic mind set you will always come up with the wrong solution.
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