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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    And lets not forget how Ho Chi Min sent a few requests to the white house after he helped the yanks in WW2 in order to help him set up a democracy. His letters were IGNORED so he turned to Russia and China for help instead. The Vietnam war was a lot of dead people due once again to Amerika.


    Returning to Vietnam to expel the French colonizers and emancipate his homeland, Ho Chi Minh looked to the United States, once a colony of the British, as a model—the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence is clearly modeled on the United States Declaration—but also as a potential ally. Ho wrote numerous times to American audiences, presidents and the American people, reaching out for support. But American elites, seeing France expelled and wary of independence movements "infecting" their own colonies, decided to punish Vietnam and engaged in a decades long war of almost unthinkable violence.

    During this time, while Ho Chi Minh was demonized in the United States, he continued to push the United States to respect Vietnam's sovereignty. He passed away in 1969 at the age of 79, not living to see the eventual Vietnamese victory in 1975. In 1976, Vietnam's capital city, Saigon, was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in his honor.


    1945-54: VIETNAM. Vietnam had been a French colony before World War Two. During the War, the Vietnamese (led by Ho Chi Minh and backed by the U.S.) had fought tenaciously against the Japanese while the French colonial occupiers of Vietnam collaborated actively with the Japanese. Two million Vietnamese starved to death under French rule while Japanese troops were fed.

    After the surrender of Japan, the Vietnamese declare their independence and make Hanoi their capital. They naively hope for U.S. support for democratic rule in Vietnam and, in an even greater show of naivety, base their new constitution on the U.S. Constitution. But Ho and the boys have some silly ideas, for example that the resources of Vietnam should be used for the benefit of the Vietnamese rather than of the Michelin Tire Company and the Rockefellers. Silly Ho. The U.S. quite reasonably allows the French to re-establish colonial rule in the southern part of the country and to set up a puppet dictatorship with Bao Dai as "emperor".

    Ho and his troops had fought the Japanese tenaciously throughout World War Two while the French colonial occupiers and their wealthy Vietnamese collaborators so favoured by the U.S. had welcomed the Japanese invaders and eagerly cooperated with them.

    Ho, however, represents the interests of the people of Vietnam rather than the Michelin tire company and the Rockefellers, and so the U.S. rejects his requests for assistance and instead provides arms, cash and military "advisors" to the French to maintain their colonial grip on Vietnam. Ho is driven by the United States straight into the arms of the Chinese for support.

    From 1950 to 1954, CIA officer Edward Lansdale mounts a conspiracy to destroy Ho, using the usual arsenal of CIA crimes and dirty tricks. In 1953, as the failure the CIA conspiracy becomes increasingly evident, the U.S. begins providing tanks and other heavy weapons to the French for use in suppressing the people of Vietnam. U.S. troops begin fighting alongside French colonial troops in an attempt to prevent the Vietnamese expelling the French from their country.

    It's usually the winners who get to write our history but in this case even when they lose, the psycho globalists STILL manage to hide the truth from the masses.
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