Hi CV. Yes, there is an injustice in the way we do not look...

  1. 3,728 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Hi CV. Yes, there is an injustice in the way we do not look after our own, and then we turn around put on a show for all the world to see with migrants. That is one reason why I will never pay any money to any charitable cause that involves humans, simply because charities should not be asking everyday workers and tax payers. Charity begins from the top. How about taking 50% from executive bonuses! Thankfully, I've opened up my wallet by donating to an animal protection agency on a monthly basis. At least animals do not lie and cheat to get charity.

    Do you think that the beliefs that we talk about will ever become common speak? Do you think that our politicians will ever stop rehearsing their spin responses for the 'known' questions that they know we'll ask? How long do you believe Australians will accept political spin and unaccountability? Spin is conceived to conceal the truth from the gullible public. The longer we buy the spin, the longer the system as we know it will continue.

    I myself have changed massively in the last 2 years, in that I had no political interest at all whatsoever in the past. So it should worry corporate Australia that a traditional and pliable person, such as myself, has suddenly becoming angry at the way Australians have been treated by the elite of this nation.

    We now pay more tax than ever before

    Our standard of living has become worse (unless you're a retailer, banker or politician, and live within 15 minutes of the CBD).

    A higher percentage of our income is tied up servicing debt

    We have lost most of our manufacturing jobs to overseas

    We have lost the freedom of going into town without fear of being bashed for not looking 'the right' way.

    The list goes on. Just think, if our leaders were really diligent with our taxes, then the GST would never have needed to have been introduced. The reason why it was introduced was to pay for political policies. Imagine if they enforced everyone that can comb their hair and can put a meal into a microwave to do some kind of menial job for their dole money. Seriously, things would be a lot better. The cost of goods would drop, and so would the tax requirements. Yes, it's harsh, but so is watching your hard earned taxes go into the pockets of those who believe that they are more deserving than you - that they should be going to bed at 5 am in the morning and getting up in the afternoon for choof and a surf.

    If we enforced these bludgers off their backside to do some work, we will then be left with much more to give to those who really need it. Like a young family whose father/husband has lost his job through injury - imagine giving that family a real bonus - the gift from us tax payers.

    Left as it is, we will never see a reduction in social benefits because it would cause rioting in the streets, a la Greece. But if there is a massive change in the economic dynamics of this country, then we will see a natural progression from the left to the right. Once things turn for the worst then it cannot be stopped, as the avalanche will draw in many from all regions.

    We are human beings - genetically linked to the same people who have committed atrocities in the past. That is the danger if things ever do turn for the worst.

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