Club sharer your not alone in your views keep up the anger there...

  1. 411 Posts.
    Club sharer your not alone in your views keep up the anger there is growing resentment every where, the divide between the rich & poor is growing &
    the middle class just get shafted continually.
    Our quality of life is being destoryed be it hours required at work, wages vs expenses, development of areas that were nice little getaways
    in the past which are now multi million dollar land gone are the caravan parks camping grounds even places you could stay for free.
    Catherine hill bay, seal rocks even byron come to mind what a joke it has become
    Sadly i doubt i will every take my 2 yr old on a surf trip around queensland & nsw like when i grew up, That just tells me we need to stop growing our
    population create more coastal reserves & limit development so greedy developers cannot get their hands on land that by rights should belong to the people
    of Australia not some unit who has a couple of million to have ocean views.

    CS To continue my whinge & further expose my cynicism you mentioned charities i stopped giving to charity after i met people who earn a living working for
    these organisations locally & overseas their just another corporation looking for profits paying huge salaries to the top execs &
    issuing perks for all employees, Churches are just as bad i still wonder whether the brothers at the school i attended still holiday every year at the church house at Wategoes
    in Byron Bay for free. Not only is it a bad investment as it was for exclusive use of priests brothers nuns etc but every donation in the plate on sunday
    Helped it to run.

    "Executive bonuses" dont get me started there will never be any justification.

    Sadly i think the whole system needs to & will crumble the US is basically bankrupt, China creates everything we buy, even a recent cookbook purchase was printed in China, Try not buying anything from CHINA GOOD LUCK

    which reminds me of pacific brands even food from dairy farmers to vegemite all foreign owned every beer we drink unless its coopers is foreign owned. Sad

    Ah the unemployed heres my policy you get 1 yr than you join the digging crew easy & cheap to establish each city finds land than they buy shovels (Australian made if possible)
    then the unemployed are postioned on the starting line at 8am move forward 1 metre dig a hole move forward 1 metre dig a hole etc etc than lunch than they proceed to fill in holes till 4pm, everyday until they get a job

    Welfare payments not given as cash you get a card which can be used to buy groceries pay bills rent fix your car but you cannot use it at a pub or club
    to pay for smokes or beer just the necessities not luxuries.
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