UNS unilife corporation

Wearable Injectors, page-10

  1. 2,428 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    West, BD, YPSOMED, Roche have prefilled pumps.

    There is lots of language...and the date of first publication to suggest it has nothing to do with UNS.

    Its not to say that since this patent filing a number of device companies have come to the party with devices so less of a need for Abbott-Abbvie to do their own device like Roche etc. Rather they now have the simpler option is to buy the tech

    Funny...up until yesterday Abbvie were one of the people i thought the UNS 1ml pump could do a deal for Humira especially since it was being trialled with Halozyme.

    But Abbvie just pulled out if Humira-Halozyme development so that is a new variable. It can still be used with a pump and perhaps added no extra benefit but too early to really say.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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