Maybe Weatherill needs to realise (and chill) that there is...

  1. 7,449 Posts.
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    Maybe Weatherill needs to realise (and chill) that there is something called the Hadley Cell, and that CO² emissions in South Australia are contained in the Southern Hemisphere, and bound within the climatic belt of the Great South Ocean's carbon sump which is X 10,000's larger than South Australia's ability to create CO²...

    In which case , it is time to cuck out, let the crow eaters, eat crow!


    South Australian voters can still continue to rub their amethysts, and have their seances with the tree sprites that inhabit the acacias and then South Australia can also buy a new coal fired plant, or two...AND KEEP THEIR LIGHTS ON.

    The Southern Australians  also need to be introduced to a 'narrative' that fully explores all aspects of Harry Potter's Wand-Lighting charm.  These diddums need to confront their fears in an emotionally safe space - a conversation that the magic lantern is actually not REAL magic... It is just something JK Rowling¹ creatively conjured up.


    ¹ If in any doubt about your abilities you would do better to buy yourself a magic lantern."—Miranda Goshawk  "To illuminate the end of a wand, the caster must call out the incantation "Lumos." If correctly incanted, the end of the wand will then illuminate and cast light in the immediate vicinity of the caster. "—The Standard Book of Spells
    Last edited by denk12: 12/08/17
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