XJO 0.36% 8,408.9 s&p/asx 200

wednesday thread!, page-8

  1. 1,764 Posts.
    If Gardarfi blows up an oil field (as his son has threatened) later this week that would be a good time imho.

    Bahrain will not be allowed to fall imho - at least not yet. More open protests will be allowed - divides will become wider, and a little reform will come. Saudi has far too much to lose to allow that to happen. Just as Iran would not allow Lebanon to fall.

    Libya WILL fall but after how much human and economic loss????? Libya is far from over yet. The US may bounce and be flat tonight, but by Friday I would be expecting a substantial weekly loss of around 2-3%.

    I say by Monday but imgaine the market if an oil field really went up??????

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