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Gross made his prediction a century after Tesla.But they were...

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    Stock #2: The $1 stock helping make Tesla’s final prophecy a reality at last…

    Nikola Tesla gave the world era-defining innovations like alternating current (AC), the electric motor, and radio wave broadcasting…

    In fact, his name is now a byword for visionary innovation.

    So much so that not one, but two, cutting-edge tech firms are named in homage to the Serbian innovator — Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors…and hydrogen trucking firm Nikola.

    But as incredible as Tesla’s legacy is…

    There is one prophecy he made that has yet to come true.

    It could one day go down as the biggest contribution he ever made to mankind…and create $14.2 trillion in new wealth.

    And I want to tell you about a little-known Australian listed company that’s helping make it possible.

    Tesla made his prophecy over a century ago.

    But his vision was remarkably prescient.

    When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain,’he said…

    We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance.

    Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles…and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone.

    You read that right:

    In the space of three paragraphs, Tesla predicted wireless communications…video conferencing…and the smartphone.


    But it’s the ‘world brain’ part of his prophecy I’m interested in.

    See, I believe Tesla foresaw a tech trend that is in the process of changing our world.

    It goes much further than people and businesses connecting via the internet.

    It involves nearly every THING on the planet ‘going smart’ and connecting.

    Tesla wasn’t the only person to see what was coming.

    In 1999 Neil Gross made a now-famous prediction in the pages of BusinessWeek:

    In the next century, planet earth will don an electric skin.

    It will use the internet as a scaffold to support and transmit its sensations. The skin is already being stitched together. It consists of millions of embedded electronic measuring devices: thermostats, pressure gauges, EKGs, electroencephalographs.

    These will monitor cities and endangered species, the atmosphere, our ships highways and fleets of trucks, our conversations, our bodies — even our dreams.

    Gross made his prediction a century after Tesla.

    But they were both talking about the same thing.

    A world in which every single thing you can imagine is connected as part of one big techno-network.

    The numbers back this up.

    In 2009, the number of connected devices worldwide surpassed the number of people for the first time.

    In 2016, there were 15 billion.

    This year, there’ll be 46 billion…

    And according to Stanford researchers, by 2030 there’ll be 500 billion!

    This is the fulfilment of Tesla’s final prophecy.

    The ‘world brain’ is powering up.

    According to Accenture research, the ‘connected devices’ economy will be worth $14.2 trillion by 2030.

    It’s a tech trend of truly epic proportions

    And I think I’ve found a smart way of playing it…in the shape of a tiny, ASX-listed tech firm.

    What does this little company do?

    It’s at the forefront of a technology that’s critical to the rollout of smart devices worldwide.

    See, what actually makes all these billions of devices ‘smart’ is the microchip technology inside them.

    This in itself is big business.

    For half a century, microchips have been getting exponentially smaller…faster…and cheaper.

    A great example of what I mean: the smartphone in your pocket right now is likely at least twice as powerful as the computers that NASA used in the moon landing.

    The next company I want to tell you about is at the forefront of this trend.

    It is developing a state-of-the-art memory storage technology that could be critical to the rollout of smart devices worldwide.

    It’s one of the most exciting companies I’ve ever found.

    In fact, according to one group of analysts, this company’s revenues are forecast to grow by more than 10,000% between 2021 and 2026.

    You read that right: 10,000% revenue growth…in just five years.

    You don’t see that often, even with small companies.

    But when you look at what this ASX-listed tech firm has developed…you begin to see why.

    It is pioneering something called ‘non-volatile memory’ storage.

    Put simply, it’s a new way microchips can store information, using smaller, faster and more resilient technology.

    And it could have big implications for the technology world in the near future.

    In fact, pretty much any way you look at it, it’s a superior technology.

    That’s because non-volatile memory technology is:

    Much smaller than the current industry standard. Right now, most memory tech is known as ‘flash’ storage. The problem is, this technology doesn’t really go any smaller than 28 nanometres. That’s pretty small. But in a world where EVERYTHING is connected, we’ll need to go smaller. This company’s storage can go right down to 4 nanometres — more than 80% smaller.

    Longer-lasting and resilient. This company’s chips can retain information for 10 years and operate at temperatures of 150 degrees. When it comes to ‘smart’ industry and transportation — and other technology operating in extreme conditions — that’s invaluable.

    Much smarter. This company’s memory technology is modelled on human brain synapses, meaning it could be critical to building ‘artificial intelligence on a chip’ in the future. In a world where everything is truly smart — from cars to home appliances to healthcare devices — that’s going to be critical.

    In other words…this company has developed technology that could be crucial to the next generation of smart connected devices.

    And its revenues could be about to ‘go vertical’ in the near future, climbing from just a million dollars this year…to more than a hundred million in five years’ time.

    The upside potential is huge.

    Want to know more?

    I hope so.

    It’s another example of what I’ve been telling you about:

    A small, innovative company pursuing a BIG opportunity.

    It’s exactly the kind of situation I share with my readers at Australian Small-Cap Investigator — a monthly advisory dedicated entirely to these kinds of high-risk, high-reward situations.

    If the stocks I’ve told you about so far have you itching to take a punt, then I think you’ll love the work we do.

    It doesn’t matter how much you have to invest — whether it’s $500, $1,000 or $10,000 — if you have the appetite for risk, our mission is to uncover Australia’s best small-cap opportunities for you.

    We’ve been doing this for over a decade now.

    In that time, we’ve told our readers about some barnstorming stocks…long before the average investor heard about them.

    There’s a good chance you know about Afterpay Ltd [ASX:APT] today.

    It’s one of Australia’s real success stories — a high-tech fintech twist on ‘buy now, pay later’. Shares are up by roughly 5,000% since 2016.

    What’s so special about 2016?

    Well, in June of that year readers of Australian Small-Cap Investigator heard all about Afterpay — or Touchcorp, as it was called back then.

    Specifically, they heard about an ‘opportunity most investors don’t see’…and a tiny start-up that could ‘tap into a tiny fraction of this opportunity, they could become one of Australia’s leading global payment companies.

    Here’s what happened next...

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