weekend aftermarket lounge 25-28th may, page-10

  1. 1,113 Posts.
    anyone a eurovision tragic??????

    greece had osterity in clothing but an abundance of leg and fanny flash, got the judges nod.
    norway had red hair green eyes wind machine and a voice to die for but no votes
    screamer from albania( and i mean screeming) with rat on head got up
    old rapper from montenegro(i didnt Know were that was iether) more legs (Long ones) chicks dressed as trombones, pole dancers(looked like blokes) hyperactive irish twins and more . but the show stopper were six old grannies from russia , like little old babushka dolls singing traditional folk song , out of tune but cute. and thats just the first semmi final, crawl across broken glass for the little azerbigarni hostess whew, be still my beating heart.
    ok got to go 2nd semi starts at 8 , oh and if ive tempted you to watch, it helps if you are under the influence of a mind altering substance, i like dry white #;)
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