weekend charting 26 /28 nov 2010, page-82

  1. 22,593 Posts.
    MEO chart:

    ' Alternatively, do you not see a new trend line connecting early September to 54c? '

    hi gobble, I gather you mean creating a new trend line from early Sept thru the lows of late last week ?

    if that was the case it would spoil my devious plan for this week though :)

    ' I agree, it seems like a opportune time to gun for stops below 52c given the climate '

    Yes it does, if you where in their position and in the MEO's present situation wouldn't you ?

    'If the shake out is on low volume well "??can't you...uch?"
    Would love to know whats under there :)'

    :) gobble, firstly I think we have to learn our A,B,C's

    I realise that your a uni student and I respect that it wasn't that long ago you didn't know much about charts and I think you've found the right place to ask the question.

    But firstly let me ask you one, gobble can you explain what a shakeout is - what is actually happening inside in relation to the demand/supply ?

    Also with your response do you it entitles you to sit at the front or back of the class :) ?

    If you can start to learn the basics like these and slowly get your head around them we slowly tease you with a few more but as you may obviously realise,

    whats the point of driving the car if you forget to take your wallet with you and the tanks almost empty. cheers

    P.S. next weeks assignment 'hidden upthrusts'
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