weekend short term trading lounge: 15-17th mar, page-28

  1. 2,137 Posts.
    Well we will have to agree to disagree.i believe most punters will drop vor like a hot potato if these assays are not good.i cant see too many hanging around for the next assays when other opportunities exist.i know either way i will drop vor as soon as the assays are released either for a profit or a loss.i just see it happen too often.vor will be forgotten in my opinion a week after assays are released and the next get rich quick stock will be found.
    My only advise is be very careful and be quick to cut your losses if the assays are not good.pattos wont care they have their comission and their next stock to push.they have placed their vor stock,so their jobs done.their investors are up 25 % already so they provided an opportunity for their investors to leave with a decent profit for a weeks investment.
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