Weekend thread 3/11/2017 Melbourne cup tuesday, page-97

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    Hi exchanger . I use watchlists and chart programs . Yeh kind of would be nice if there was sometimes . But anyway the data entry to do can be rewarding as it gets you knowledge of ticker names of the stocks . Kind of like flash cards where you are after memory retention pattern recognition etc

    I used to post my scan all typed out each day of the stocks in them . Yes i didnt know any other way to do it but over time i began realise that is was helping me . I could see stocks and remember a week later that they were in the scan sometimes would appear in two scan maybe even three which was rare .

    But there was a pattern be it i may imagine it or not the mind was working overtime without much effort .Kind of ticking over in subconscious .Id scroll the scans chart wise i would even start making comments on the scans to sectors etc as they come in over time .

    Like a run of gold stocks may come through and your going yeh the ladies will love all the jewelry this week everything that glitters is turning to gold .

    Fill up the tanks with petrol oils going be expensive soon type thing if the oil stocks were hitting . Even certain tips i would highlight for posters . Like hey in both scans this week and sometimes you know a certain chart pattern may occur with the stock .

    Sometimes i will get indexes come through at the same time as the stocks .

    I guess what im trying say there is ways even if the tools are not available that journey is rewarding anyway if your positive to the work in the long run . You see part of my technical strategy is just overs and unders of a line .A coin flip fits the conversation and the odds simply .

    It also fits some conversations you may over time about technical trading and fundamental trading . Well for me anyway and yes i break rules i write them down i read them im as mad as the full moon when the tides high and sullen when it goes out .

    I test things with the trouble and strife at times with a chart .Like go pick your best stocks from this scan this way and i will pick mine . She loses interest quickly on the losses and fades very quickly to the task .

    Fair enough i cant convey my knowledge very well perhaps even ? I believe i know that is even getting harder the longer i keep at it But i also get deeper understanding from those who have years at it also and may ? Also have that problem .

    You see when i saw these two words Train the trainer . I didnt know what it was . Its a course to train people to train others . To me those words were all those people would be training the one who takes the course .

    Yep they would be perhaps even more experienced than the trainer but together they could share skills and that trainer would cover the biggest amount of skillsets and pass onto others the ability to be better in what ever they do.

    They also would have cognitive dissonance to overcome like a share trader will imo

    Yep they will have flip two decisions and make the right choice at times and train others to make that right choice from a wide field of ideas . And methods to do it .

    At times they click they prove up and work then they dont for some reason . I think thats because of rules ?

    Yep the very reason something does not work to perfection is there's rules for everything . For a technical trader like a fundamental trader there is rules and events that govern but styles !

    And come from left of the field of thoughts .*

    They can unblock a traders block perhaps even . Some of the real gems posts are very small very short at times . This ones long .

    Those people that do that are very special .imo


    You see the opening chart in that post

    Then link to the post from that thread .
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