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  1. 1,190 Posts.
    The debate was originally along the lines of if AUD could fall (particularly again the GBP and Euro) but say to equivalent of 96c / $1US then that could be the saviour of PaperlinX.

    The Feds printing of money does not add to the US national deficient, so they can keep printing. That unfortunately keeps the AUD high.

    Separate from that is there are national maximum deficient thresholds that are at issue. That will come into play early next year.

    Just as a new topic, internet advertising must be taking big chunks of paper sale cash flow from PaperlinX. Just take the Karton ad that appears on hotcopper. Not only does it grab attention, but with a few simple clicks you can see the product and order it to have it sent to you with days. Kartons website is outstanding uncomplicated and carefree.

    One positive thing is I think this paper industry is a relative oligopoly which relatively few sellers. So at international industry meetings speakers would be addressing the industry along the lines of 'we must price our product at a level to reflect declinging paper sales ..." They have the potential to do it, as paper is dam cheap and there is not a lot of alternatives - maybe better computer storage achive systems but there is the threat of viruses etc.

    The expense in printed office stationery is mainly in the design. The cost to increase an order of 5000 units to 25000 units of printed paper product to not substantial.

    With $4 billion in revenue, at some point there will be a surprise to the positive, but it could a year plus away. IMO
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