welcome to total surveillance, page-83

  1. 801 Posts.
    Hi Playwin,

    Hope this doesn't get rubbed because I spoke about technology. I used to work with IT related to direct marketing and telecommunications expense management + my studies also has been related to IT, Business in IT, Accountancy and International Business and that's why I enjoy both tech and business.

    That's issue with satellites-the mapping technology and others too. Apple didn't do well though Google took it a step further with mapping technology. Can be used for tracking anybody or anything (advantages and disadvantages)-used in logistics,marketing,terrorism and so forth and nowadays people's privacy too.

    And the way apps world has changed exploded in last few years - it's just taken what social media has done a bit further. Not at all easy to catch up also with such technologies. My concern is also with the data especially with social media and apps because 3rd party search applications have just started within social media and other apps (not talking about Bing and general search engines that tried search within social and didn't do well...talking about Greplin, which is now Cue or Kurrently...Greplin/Cue is the 1 that has done it well.....under Google, when search using keywords, it comes about using the search engine's algorithm.....Facebook has pages and stuff which an individual likes [and same goes for YouTube with the likes]-so an individual chooses-facebook as know is into entertainment through Spotify,Skype and more including 3rd party apps;publishing world including via MS Docs and 3rd party apps; marketing; finance including real-time news updates including stocks; educational and academic resources; health news and updates and apps and so forth...now with Cue which is free, an individual can link to 1 or more accounts under different apps like Facebook, Gmail, LinkedIn and so forth which are free though paid ones are like Salesforce, Evernote, Basecamp and so on [each app can use just 1 account so can't link to more than 1 Gmail or Facebook account] and then it does its search in chronological order according to latest comment made under that post so can have different pages or applications mixed but it will figure it out time-wise according to latest comment made under a post [and the search is not only for posts that comes via newsfeeds but also for messages, events and so forth] and this start-up Greplin/Cue is already doing well in the US though there are a few flaws within search but way better than what other firms tried before within social. under message/post 4859 under shareholder's forum, written how to separate contact updates and page updates so things are not cluttered under newsfeeds-it also has my research links-so hope those were useful for individuals. now Kurrently, what it does is type any keyword within its homepage and it will produce in chronological order (latest time 1st) of that search related to keywords from different social media whether it's an individual's comment on twitter, latest news and so forth. So my concerns like yours definitely lies with data surveillance more than any other including giving up emails to ASIC for them to check or if by accident, people see messages or pictures not meant to be seen like what occurred few days ago with Facebook or even with financial institutions related to banking or even via identity theft, espionage, hacking and so on. even Google wanted to upload people's emails via search couple of weeks ago though not sure where that's gone. SO TECHNOLOGIES DO HAVE GOOD AND BAD SIDES TO IT and world's largest company-Apple isn't out of it too as it, Google, Amazon are just pushing what IBM, Salesforce and all started with cloud computing.Then there's loads more with this total surveillance but guess that tells quite a bit about advantages and disadvantages of technologies including within total surveillance for deacades

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