welfare must be reined in

  1. 10,397 Posts.
    Joe Hockey hit the headlines last week with his example of a single mother who is studying eligible for $54,417.

    Welfare apologists derided him for cherry picking and went into apoplexy.

    Today the Australian reports:


    Joe Hockey has tried to highlight the complexity in recent days by listing a dozen payments and supplements that can go to some individual recipients.

    He cited the example of a single mother with two children who was getting $54,417 via myriad welfare payments.

    Experts attacked the Treasurer’s claim, however, as an “incredibly rare” example, when most single mothers with two children were getting $35,000 to $40,000 a year.

    "Only" $40,000? $800 a week, untaxed? Oh well that's alright then.

    There are lots of people who'd be happy to receive that much from the work they do; instead, their hard earned taxes go to pay for what is essentially a wage.

    Yes welfare needs to be wound back so it is a safety net, not an alternative to work.
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