very good, watsoa most exemplary post!there seems to be...

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    very good, watso
    a most exemplary post!
    there seems to be relatively very few that understand the simple, but truthful, reasoning that you have applied.

    may that change for the benefit of all.

    "Whaling has been a part of many nations culture over thousands of years"
    so what?
    there are parents that habitually beat their children and sexually abuse them, when folk go out drinking they randomly attack others for no reason. these activities have become a "culture", if not so much in communities, at least within a particular 'tribe' or family.
    justifying an action on the grounds of culture is a recipie for more madness and misery.
    there is good culture and there is bad culture. they are not the same.
    if 'someone's' culture involves raping your son or daughter, would you just say, "it has being their cultre for a long time, what right do i have to stop them?"

    blind, unquestioning, adherence to a particular 'culture' (or habit) is often responsible for ingrained stupidity

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