A complete waste of time snooker.The guy is 89 and even if he is...

  1. 328 Posts.
    A complete waste of time snooker.
    The guy is 89 and even if he is guilty nothing is going to be done to him.
    A stupid Jewish waste of money and resources to achieve absolutely NOTHING.
    Dave R.


    Believe me....many a time that same thought has crossed my mind.

    Yet, a lesson has to be learned here....for future generations...in fact several lessons.

    1. Time does not absolve someone from their murderous deeds.

    2. That the spilling of blood, such as committed by the Arrow Cross....whether agaisnt Jew...Christian.....Muslim...anyone.....will go unanswered....and unavenged.

    These mongrels can spend the rest of their lives suffering the same torterous nightmares that their victims do...that is the survivors.....

    They've had a good trot...and time to pay their dues...here on Earth.

    3. Classic case of entereing Australia under false pretenses....and if nothing else, if at the very least, the laws are hanged that will give the government the option of kicking someone out for lying their way in...for misrepresentation...without all the crap of them appealing etc etc.....then for that alone its worth it.

    If this guy is guilty...then let him spend his final years far away from Australia.....but to walk around free.....if in fact he is guilty...because of some technicality....is an abuse of privelige of humanity.

    And just like we spend big bucks to save people from dying from cancer or other terminal illnesses...even though in many instances we know that the treatement and the costs thereof are a complete waste of money....however we do what we have to..and hang the expense.

    "Justice, justice, thou shalt persue....."

    We can hear the victims calling from their graves......

    Nope...no peace for people like this accused guy if indeed the accusations are true.....

    Let him find his peace when he breathes his last.....he can pollute the Hungarian air....til then...not ours!

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