Were you sucked in, page-27

  1. 8,534 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 904
    Some people like to live in areas where there are trees. It's a lifestyle choice.

    I like trees and the bush - both in diminishing numbers due to various factors. Do feel that much has been lost throughout the world and not replaced - eg: Amazon jungle and the numerous bushfires. Trees provide many benefits for many creatures. Man in large part is responsible for it's use, demise, taming for man's sole purpose - in the main, other creatures dependent on such are overlooked or ignored. Along comes weather impacts. Only recently W.A. had bushfires and power outages and now the Grampians are burning and Vic has power outages. Along with the bush in the Grampians, man is impacted too, partly their own doing (they do say man made climate change) and as for other innocent creature inhabitants within the national park?

    Not sure how much regular maintenance of electrical distribution systems in terms of hazard reduction is carried out - tree loppings, vegetation prunings but out front of my property tree branches are touching power lines - don't recall the last time it was pruned.

    Look after my own property as best I can - many neighbouring street properties suffer with weed infestation. I have a deciduous tree that has slowly been growing for a few years in the backyard providing some shade from the heat in summer with the back of the property facing west - my immediate neighbour on one side had a lovely tree taken out years ago and apart from weeds, has a barren backyard with no shade. Some people don't like trees. For me, a a case of 'look after the land and the land will look after you'. The alternative may not be so pretty.

    Capital cities are getting way beyond the reach of being able to live with cost of rentals and housing - some have no option but to move to other areas. I lived in Sydney and in smaller cities - do prefer the bush and the quieter surroundings, though highly doubtful I could now afford to move back to live in Sydney's price environment even if I wanted to. Would I want to - no, no thanks but happy to visit. 5 - 6 million Sydney siders obviously love living there. smile.png

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