whaling---60 mins

  1. 1,727 Posts.
    Kumbawa &
    Just saw 60 min show on J*p whaling.
    Japan appears to stubbornly snub world opinion because of an ancient misguided belief that they ahve an historical "right" to kill whales.
    From my experience with the youth of Japan, it is predomonantly the older(very) generation that have a taste for the meat. Incidentally, I tried it in Norway many years ago and was singularly unimpressed in it's lack of flavour.
    The Japanese government is introducing the whale meat to junior school students to endeavour to indoctrinate them in the ways of the ancients, and to overcome the enormous oversupply (stockpile) of frozen and cold storage whale flesh in warehouses held by commercial, vested interests.
    My personal suspicion is that there are vested interests at the highest levels in the Japanese Govt who are perpetuating the whaling program.
    Eventually, such action is doomed as the old adage goes: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him eat whale !
    Hopefully the general Japanese distaste for whale blubber/flesh and the worlds distain for the outdated practice, encouraged by the Japanese Govt., will result in a cessation of such a barbaric practice !
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