Of course it is easier to demonise the Japs given that "they are...

  1. 202 Posts.
    Of course it is easier to demonise the Japs given that "they are not like us". I have no major issues with people who are against whaling per se, free will after all that - i exercise mine by eating it on occasion.

    But the double standard (and ignorance) shown by the cynical elements (read: Sea Shepard) in the Anti-Whaling movement - which seem to have found a wellspring in a swathe of Australian society (for both the right and wrong reasons) sickens me. Everyone seems to conveniently ignore what goes on in so called "Civilized Europe".

    What i would love to see is for the "Whale Whores" go and pull their monkey business in Norther Europe - that would be compelling television.

    So, full credit to you technicals4me for making this point.
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